Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On Niger Sand

BONJOUR! I say this word a lot and love the sound of it, even if my accent gives my previous residency away. I've been in Niger for one week! Whoa, this is my new home. Thanks to those of you who God worked through to make this possible. For two years I have been praying about this move to Niger. Praying and waiting. Praying and listening. Praying and doubting. Praying and growing. Praying and failing. Praying and loving. Praying and preparing. Praying and trusting. Praying and Him providing! No more excuses, no more hesitation, no more fear. I have followed my friend, Jesus to Niger, Africa. To you special people back home, “I'm carrying your love with me."

Kids Camp Mission July 08:

Benjamin and I are leading 12 other team members here in Niger to assist the missionaries with the annual, week long kids camp. There are 200 children, aged 7-12. Each of the team members will assist as counselors for the children. We've been helping the missionaries prepare for the kids camp by practicing puppets and skits, organizing game prizes, setting up equipment and moving desks. We also attended two church services in the last 3 days. Team member Andrew gave his testimony at the Friday night church service. His testimony related perfectly with the previous sermon about being Andrews from the Bible. Andrews are not in the forefront, yet they too lead many to Jesus. It was very appropriate to have an Andrew speak (no one knew this previous sermon topic). Dennis spoke on Friday and Sunday services. After church Friday, we experienced God's heart of love and provision. Dennis brought a laptop computer with him to Niger with no clue why he was bringing it. God revealed that a pastor needed a laptop. When the laptop was given to this pastor, we found out that he had been praying for FOUR YEARS for a laptop but never asked for one. Incredible. God knew his need and desire for a computer and provided one.

An adventure: Riding in a canoe on the Niger River, we spotted about 7 hippos. Actually, our canoes resided about 80 ft from the baby hippos, and about 150 ft from the HUGE hippos. No worries, because everyone in the three canoes survived:) The Niger River and surrounding landscape was beautiful and we captured some amazing sunset pictures from the canoes. Oh yeah, and I've never seen Niger so "green."

I've enjoyed all those who are working as part of our team, including my friends Beki and Brookley who have been here in Niger for most of the summer. The missionaries have been a blast to work with and I'm excited to serve with them this next year. The awe of being here overwhelms me when I least expect it and all I can do is say “merci” to God for bringing me here.


NIGER1.COM said...


Jason Carter said...

I couldn't be more excited for you, K. Niger for the Kingdom of God can't help but advance because of your service to Him. Blessings in every way I pray!